
Technology and Digital Literacy

Technology at St. Raymond School offers students authentic, real-world ways to seek knowledge, problem solve, create content, and analyze data-- identifying challenges, gathering information, and generating solutions through a standards-aligned Kindergarten to grade 8 curriculum.

Through the years, the students learn various software applications including: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, collaborative software, web browsing, and coding. In addition to learning important software skills, the students also explore how to evaluate and cite sources and participate as responsible digital citizens, through the Cyber Civics curriculum. Students have access to iPads, Chromebooks, 3D printers, and Coding/Robotic devices. Each component of technology whether it be hardware or software, devices or apps, is utilized in a developmentally appropriate way to enhance teaching and learning.

Technology Curriculum

Technology at St. Raymond School follows the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•S) and Performance Indicators for Students as laid out by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE Standards for Students) and the technical requirements of the Common Core State Standards. Both standards aim to have students as the driving force of their own learning through experimentation and discovery.

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS•S) and Performance Indicators for Students

  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts

Students in grades TK-2 working together with Mrs. Haining, Technology, and Ms. Marasco, Library/Technology, will integrate ELA (English Language Arts) principles with STEM activities, projects, and problems that use picture and storybooks to create a STEM project that relates to the story.

Students across all grade levels will learn to

  • understand the purpose of code and create code to address a predefined purpose, commands/skills to achieve desired results.
  • design and build projects using computer software and hands-on construction materials to achieve desired movement.
  • create and print using 3-D printer
  • understand basic operating principles of a circuit, resisters, and transistor

Digital Citizenship

Students need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life. St. Raymond School uses Cyber Civics-- "an award-winning standards-aligned curriculum that teaches youth how to become ethical, safe, and productive digital citizens."