

CAPA (Cardinal • Alumni • Parent • Association)

What does St. Raymond School mean to our former students and families?

For many, it brings to mind traditions-- the Back To School BBQ, Pumpkin Festival, Spaghetti Dinner, Jog-A-Thon, The Howard Daschbach Memorial Golf Tournament, Lobster Dinner and almost certainly the Annual Auction.

St. Raymond School... First a School, Now a Home!

The feeling that St. Raymond School is a second home to its families is a feeling shared by students across grade levels, by St. Raymond parents and by our Alumni. It is a feeling of belonging, of being accepted and of knowing that you will always be welcome.

Purpose Statement, CAPA: CAPA was established to help maintain and strengthen the close ties that parents felt with both the School and fellow parents while their children were students and to support the school community and programs. CAPA's mission is to keep alumni parents and families involved, informed and invested in St. Raymond School. CAPA offers opportunities for alumni parents to continue their involvement in the St. Raymond community while highlighting the Schools priorities and successes. Whether your children attended St. Raymond School recently or several years ago, you are always a part of this community. We welcome you back to our campus for spiritual, athletic, social, service and community building events.

Want to be a part of CAPA?
As parents you played an important role in the history of our School; as alumni, you continue to be treasured members of our St. Raymond community. We invite you to stay connected to St. Raymond, and we hope to offer you a variety of ways to do so.

Our first CAPA priority is to update our Alumni Directory so that you will receive invitations to special alumni events, electronic and printed publications, and other communications of interest. Please contact Mr. Roderick Harrison, Principal at 650-322-2312 for information.