Quick Facts
Facts About St. Raymond School
Click on any question below to reveal the answer. Please contact St. Raymond School at 650.322.2312 or email admissions@straymond.org if you have additional questions, and we would be happy to discuss our program further.
- What are top reasons families choose St. Raymond?
- What hours are the children in school? Do you have extended care?
- What is your student to teacher ratio?
- Do you offer a foreign language program?
- How is technology used in the classrooms?
- Does St. Raymond offer an afterschool program in addition to Extended Care?
- Where can I get information about the uniform policy?
- Does St. Raymond School offer sports?
- Do you have a hot lunch program?
- How often do students go to Church? What if our family is not Catholic?
- Does St. Raymond offer financial aid?
- What is the parental requirement at the school?