Uniform Policy
School Uniform Policy
Uniforms are to be purchased through Dennis Uniform - St. Raymond school code: M55RAY
Chapter VIII: School Uniform Policy: Parent-Student Handbook
The principal reserves the right to amend, suspend or add any new rules to the aforementioned policy. Students are to wear the school uniform from the beginning to the end of the school day. This is intended to eliminate distracting competition in dress and to evidence a constructive spirit and pride in the school and in each other.
It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that students observe the dress code of the school. Students who must be out of any portion of the uniform should bring a note signed by the parents to the classroom teacher and the office explaining the reason for being out of uniform.
Students who arrive at school without proper uniform will be asked to call home to request the appropriate/missing pieces be delivered. Failure to arrive in and maintain proper uniform for students in grades 6-8 will result in detention. Chronic uniform violations will result in further disciplinary action including (but not limited to) suspension and expulsion.
Used uniforms (in good condition) are accepted and are offered at a reduced price through St. Raymond School. All uniform items must be labeled clearly with the child’s first and last names.
All Students
- Uniform with St. Raymond School polo with logo
- Socks must be worn. All socks must be solid white. Girls in TK-5 may wear navy socks. Girls are permitted to wear footed tights in solid navy blue, black or white in place of socks. Girls are also permitted to wear solid black, fitted leggings (no flare pants) with NO sheer panels under their school uniform jumper/skirts. (rev 08172023)
- Uniform navy blue sweaters (or sweater vest) with logo will be required at all school functions, including field trips and First Friday Mass. ONLY uniform sweaters/vests may be worn on campus (rev 06122024)
- SHOES: students must wear predominantly solid white, black, or dark blue shoes with white, black, or navy laces. Small logos of a neutral tone (white, black or navy) are acceptable. Small logos that are of a bright or neon color are not allowed.
- hair should be a natural color and neatly groomed; highlighted or dyed hair of any color is not permitted.
- The STR blue fleece, full-zip jacket will now be part of the school uniform (2024). It may be worn on non-Mass days. The jacket may replace the STR sweater or vest, meaning it can be worn alone with a polo shirt or in addition to an STR sweater or vest.
- On rainy or exceptionally cold days, students may wear a non-STR rain jacket to school but must remove it while inside the classroom. Inside the classroom, students can only wear sweaters, vests, and/or the new STR blue fleece jacket. When students go back outside, they can put their non-STR rain jacket back on—it should be ONLY WORN WHILE OUTSIDE. (rev 08082024)
Girls Uniforms
- Uniform logo polo shirt (not required to tuck in)
- Uniform Hamilton plaid jumper (TK-5) or Hamilton plaid skirt (5-8)
- Khaki skort TK-4
- Uniform logo sweater/sweater vest (required for all formal school events)
- Optional uniform khaki shorts or pants
- uniform skirt/jumper must be no shorter than three (3) inches above the top
of the knee - skirt cannot be rolled to a length shorter than three (3) inches above the top
of the knee - pants, shorts and skirts are not to be worn below the waist
- shorts must be worn beneath the skirt/jumper and should not show below the hem
- hair should be a natural color and neatly groomed; highlighted or dyed hair is not permitted
- a single necklace, bracelet (or watch) and ring may be worn
- earrings are to be post-style; no dangling earrings permitted
- no makeup or nail polish is to be worn at school
- all clothing should fit properly; should not be excessively loose or excessively tight
- Girls are not permitted to wear leggings on celebration dress days, cardinal wear days, or free dress days. Leggings may ONLY be worn under uniform skirts or skorts.
(rev 08202024)
- uniform skirt/jumper must be no shorter than three (3) inches above the top
Boys Uniform
- Ethika and other brand compression shorts/underwear may NOT be worn under school shorts or during free dress. These shorts may not be longer than school or free dress shorts, and should not be visible. Students not complying with these rules will be reprimanded, including detention in 5th-8th grade for repeated infractions. Parents will be contacted for lower grades.
- uniform logo polo shirt, tucked in with black or brown belt (belt required grades 1-8)
- black or brown belt featuring a modest buckle
- uniform logo sweater/sweater vest (required for all formal school events)
- uniform khaki shorts or pants
- shirts must be tucked in during the school day
- a belt is required daily (belt required grades 1-8)
- pants/shorts are not to be worn below the waist
- shorts may not cover the knee cap
- hair should be a natural color and neatly groomed; highlighted or dyed hair is not permitted.
- hair should be neat and combed during the school day and during school activities, and should not extend below the top of the collar.
- a single necklace, bracelet (or watch) and ring may be worn
- no piercings, nail polish or earring permitted
- boys are to be clean shaven, including sideburns
- all clothing should fit properly; should not be excessively loose or excessively tight
St. Raymond School has three types of “non-uniform days”.
St. Raymond students must adhere to a dress code to maintain a sense of decorum and order, and the display of undergarments by a male or female is inappropriate. Compression shorts/underwear may NOT be worn under school shorts or during free dress. These shorts may not be longer than school or free dress shorts, and should not be visible. Students not complying with these rules will be reprimanded, including detention in 5th-8th grade for repeated infractions. Parents will be contacted for lower grades. (rev 05262023)
Celebration Dress
On a student's birthday and some special occasions, students are permitted to wear appropriate “non-uniform” attire (dress and shoes). Attire on non-uniform days should be conducive to maintaining an atmosphere of learning and be in good taste. Boys may wear black athletic track pants or shorts, and girls may wear skirts or skorts, solid black (no sheer paneling) leggings and shorts that adhere to skirt length policy (see Girls Uniform Reminders above).mBirthdays falling on First Friday Mass will be observed on the Thursday before.
The following are NOT appropriate for school: (rev 05262023)
- tank tops (including spaghetti straps)
- halter tops
- low-cut tops
- tops that bare the midriff
- torn or dirty jeans
- leggings not worn under uniform skirt or skort (rev 08202024)
- excessively baggy or tight clothes
- flip flops or backless sandals
- shorts that do not meet the skirt length requirement or feature excessive wear or holes
- t-shirt or other attire with inappropriate logos are not permitted (these include pictures or words depicting alcohol or drugs, music groups, skulls, etc., and anything of a violent or sexual nature.)
- no hats or beanies of any type or sweatshirt hoods may be worn in the school, except in the schoolyard on cold days provided they comply with other aspects of the dress code
- leggings with sheer paneling
- No pajama-type or draw-string pants.
- No low-riding or oversized pants.
- No Croc-type, flip-flops, open toed, or backless shoes
Cardinal Wear Dress
Cardinal Spirit days are an opportunity to sport school pride! Students are permitted to wear “Cardinal” t-shirt sweatshirt, shorts, skirt/skort. Students must be wearing a cardinal wear item (top or bottom). Other articles of clothing must fall under the uniform rules. (jeans, athletic shorts, joggers) are acceptable. Girls may NOT wear solid black (no sheer paneling) leggings. Shorts must adhere to skirt length policy (see Girls Uniform Reminders above). The school polo shirt is acceptable as a school t-shirt. School shoes must be worn. Any students not participating should arrive at school in regular uniform. Cardinal Spirit Dress days are Monday noon dismissal days, unless otherwise specified by the school. Students are not permitted to wear Cardinal Wear sweatshirts or shirts on Fridays. Cardinal Wear is only allowed when granted by the principal or Monday noon dismissal days. (rev08202024)
Spirit Day Dress
Throughout the year, students will have Spirit Day Dress opportunities. Each day’s theme will be unique and will be announced in advance of the event. Students should keep in mind the same expectations as established for Celebration Dress Days. Spirit Day Dress is an opportunity to get creative. Boys may wear black athletic track pants, and girls may NOT wear solid black (no sheer paneling) leggings. Shorts must adhere to skirt length policy(see Girls Uniform Reminders above). Any students not participating should arrive at school in regular uniform. (rev 08172023)